HI! my pronouns is MY BRAINS OUT, and my name is she/him, but my friends call me sierra x3 welcome to my website!! my hobbies & interests include:
- gay and transgender
- homelab
- sinking money into thinkpads
- talking to my friends on discord
- programming.. i guess
- coyote fox therian ΘΔ
- listening to music
- autism adhd avpd and dyscalculic
- fire and ems
- playing on my computer, ps2 and wii and wii u
- girlfalijure femcel
- fake emo
- being french (american)
- slursl ike faggot and tranny
- depressed jaded sadgirl
- radio communications
- my girlfriend pepper
so yeah, i'm kinda cool.. do you want a life story? yeah you do! I'm 20 years old and i'm currently a paramedic & fire administration major, i hope to move to california or something once i finish because i hate where i live.
i'm really innocent and sweet so don't be scared, i'm nervous and cagey but don't be offended if i ignore you, it's just my avpd.
discord: @impawtistic